Saturday 14 January 2012

Car run by water with gasoline


Water is the most readily obtainable and affordable source and hydrogen energy has been proven to be more effective compared to electric and gasoline cars . Prices of petroleum oil are increasing day-by-day affecting the life style of common people as well as national economy. That’s why we need an alternative for petroleum. In recent days, all country is spending a huge amount of money on research and development of non-conventional energy resources. In the world , the conventional energy sources are limited, and their usage is very high; so alternative sources of energy have tremendous potential in future . Thus world is in crisis to find an alternative fuel for petroleum oils. To fulfill the aim stated before, non-conventional energy systems like solar, battery are developed. Nobody will think for a moment but it’s the reality that water can be used as a fuel and hence an energy resource. This successful technology is known as ‘GREEN TECHNOLOGY’. In this green technology, water is used as a fuel along with gasoline. By using electrolysis process water is converted into HHO gas also called as BROWN’S GAS. This gas is used for complete combustion process and by using this vehicle mileage increases and also reduces the fuel consumption of the engine. The following are the 7 benefits of the water burning car:
1. Water hybrid conversion could double gas mileage. The addition of hydrogen separated from water and blended with gasoline will provide better fuel efficiency. This mixture burns very smoothly and provides significant energy.
2. The burning process produces cleaner emission. The addition of hydrogen turns into H2O as a result of the burning process. Improved emission quality is better for the environment.
3. Water hybrid conversion is inexpensive. There are more and more low cost hydrogen conversion kits available on the market with detailed installation guide. It’s probably less expensive to buy a conversion kit, than buy the parts separately.
4. Water hybrid cars are very safe. There is no hydrogen storage tank in the car. The hydrogen is extracted from water as needed. A switch prevents the accumulation of hydrogen when the engine if not running or idles. There are thousands of cars safely converted to water fueled cars.
5. The installation is very easy. All the parts easily fit under the hood.
6. The installation of HHO conversion kit is also reversible, and it doesn’t void the factory warranty.
7. Better emission quality and improved fuel efficiency is also good for the environment.
Oil is the important energy resources. It is available at very limited places and it’s consumption is much more.
· Severe atmospheric problems like pollution and Ozone hole is increasing
· Normal content of oxygen in the air is 21%.But at some places like Japan, it’s just 7%.That is , the oxygen content in the atmosphere is decreasing
· Oil is the important energy resources. It is available at very limited places and it’s consumption is much more.
· Water powered cars contributes to preserving the environment since water burns cleaner than gasoline.
· Save money, save gas.
· Water powered cars are IRS tax deductible as a reward by the government because these are
· environmentally clean cars.
· Car engine’s wear and tear will is reduced and this equals to longer engine life.
· Water will make the car’s engine run quitter and smoother while giving boost in power.
In water two molecules of the diatomic hydrogen gas, combined with one molecule of the diatomic oxygen gas to produce two molecules of water. In other words the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen is 2:1, the ratio of hydrogen to water is 1:1, and the ratio of oxygen to water is 1:2.
There's something more though that doesn't show up in the equation. Energy. The formation of water from it's elements produces, in addition to water, a tremendous amount of energy, 572 kJ to be exact.
2H2 + O2 = 2H2O + ENERGY
This is an example of an exothermic reaction, a reaction that produces energy. It is also an example of what is called a combustion reaction, where a substance (in this case hydrogen gas) is combined with oxygen.
H20 ® 2H2 + O2
As hydrogen is an excellent fuel, water molecule posses tremendous energy. Water can be dissociated into it’s elements by electrolysis .Hydrogen is an important fuel as it burns totally. This hydrogen gas along with the oxygen gas makes Brown gas.
Gas and its flame have been used in and exhibits characteristics:
1) Used in a car the gas combusts and emits water vapor as the only effluent in its exhaust.
2) A solid-state refrigeration unit in which temperature could instantly be changed with no freon or other refrigeration chemicals.
3) A room heater fueled with the gas will carbonize a strip of paper held near it but not create flames or smoke.
4) Used in an acetylene torch it singed hairs from a welders forearm but didnt burn the skin.
5) Flame from this gas can glaze concrete thus rendering it impervious to acids and other corrosives and greatly extending the concretes useful lifespan.
6) The gas when burned does not explode but implodes. "An intriguing situation arises when a volume of Browns Gas is detonated because the contraction in that volume which occurs is revolutionary in character. Of an order of 1,860:1, the contraction can be defined as an implosion, as opposed to an explosion." 1979
7) When heating water in an iron basin using a torch if applied only to the water barely raises its temperature even after long exposure. The flame applied to the bottom of the basin raises the temperature of the metal so high, and so instantly, that the water boils away almost in the blink of an eye. When directed at a brick under the surface of the water, however, the flame can heat the brick as easily as though the brick was not water covered.
8) Steel, after treatment with the flame, is much more impervious to rust and before treatment.
9) The flame can fuse plastic to titantium.
10) Directing the flame at Cobalt-60 radiation was reduced by 70% in the sample.
11) Directing the flame at Americium the radiation was reduced 96%.


The technology behind the Hydrolizer is not new. In fact, it has been around for a long time.Electrolyzers make hydrogen by passing an electric current through water containing an electrolyte. The key however, is an optimized Electrolyzer, which splits out the hydrogen in a way that doesn't require massive amounts of electrical current. In it's simplest form, the resulting product is called "Brown's Gas".
Brown's gas = water decomposed in hydrogen & oxygen by electricity.
Water can be cheaply disassociated into Brown's Gas / HHO gas (monatomic and diatomic Hydrogen and Oxygen) using efficient electrolyzing techniques which require very little power to operate, or sophistication to build
An electrolyzer is a very efficient system to split water to hydrogen fuel and oxygen. An electrolyzer consists of these components:
4. Electric supply
Based upon the form and type of electrolytes, different types of electrolyzers exist. Brown’s Gas production, due to the design of the electrolyzer, is increasingly efficient as compared to independently ducted electrolysis. A common ducted electrolyzer, utilizing series cell parallel plate design, establishes a superior level of surface area, and an inherent ability to optimize the voltage magnitude per cell. In combination with capacitive amperage limiting, also known as a clipping circuit, the amount of voltage and current, per cell, is completely customizable. The series cell parallel plate electrolyzer can specify the amount of energy consumed, and allows for overwhelmingly superior power management, thus leading to an increase in efficiency.
Hydrogen, in combinations with other electrolyzed gases (actually Brown’s gas), introduced into the intake manifold of your engine, will accelerate the flame spread during combustion, thereby getting more of the vaporized fuel to combust during the initial part of the power stroke.
HHO releases no carbons or other pollutants into the air when burned. The main risk with Hydrogen is explosion: A simple water bubbler bottle system in-line with the flow of gas to an engine stops flash-back explosions from happening, and safety pressure valves and shut-offs make an HHO system as safe as gasoline. Since there is no storage tank and the gas is only being created at relatively low pressures while the car is running, leaks or problems with the storage tanks are not an issue. And of course since the user creates it on demand, there is no need for filling stations or large infrastructures…. Only water. And the amount of water used in an all-HHO system is less than a third of the volume of gasoline that would be used for the same mileage.
Yull Brown invented the process of making combustion gas from water and the technology is known as Brown Gas Technology. Electricity from the car battery is used to split water into elements of hydrogen and oxygen, mixture gas which is known as Brown gas.
It’s very interesting to view the following details.

1 Litre of Water = 1866.6 Litres of Brown Gas
1 Litre of Water = 933.3 Litres of H2 :O2 Gas

Brown Gas is simplest and highest atomic form and therefore less energy is required to burn than H2 :O2 Gas. Thus , Brown gas burns at low temperature. This increases the efficiency of vehicles. Brown Gas is common ducted oxy-hydrogen ; it can be produced in a common ducted electrolyzer . Series cell parallel plate electrolyzer is the most efficient common ducted electrolyzer. Plates are made of stainless steel; it avoids corrosion due to water. To increase efficiency of gases oxygen and hydrogen do not separate out. Brown gas Is used suddenly after producing. Hence, it produced only on demand.
Hydrogen as a fuel :
There may be many ways to obtain hydrogen from water, which do not require as much energy as the subsequent burning of the hydrogen, i.e. its recombination with oxygen to form once more water, will release.

There are several techniques that come to mind. As the first thing however we want to tell about a method of easy storage of hydrogen which could solve the problem of taking hydrogen as a fuel along in a car. This is Yull Brown’s method of mixing hydrogen and oxygen to obtain a stable combustible gas.
The various methods of hydrogen production are:

1) Yull Brown - Production, by electrolysis, of a gaseous mixture of hydrogen and oxygen that may be stored under pressure and burned in a similar way as natural gas.

2) Stanley Meyer - method of separating water into hydrogen and oxygen by use of high frequency, high voltage electricity.

3) Sam Leslie Leach - method of separating water into hydrogen and oxygen by ionisation through strong ultraviolet radiation.

4) Gianni Dotto - method of separating water into hydrogen and oxygen by magnetic action after vaporisation accompanied by heating.

5) Archie H. Blue - method of electrolysis and combination of resulting gases with air to form combustible gas.
Brown has developed an apparatus able to separate and subsequently recombine into a stochiometric gas mixture, the hydrogen and oxygen contained in water. The gas has been called Brown’s gas and has properties that make it an ideal energy storage medium. This information is included here not because of a particularly high efficiency of the process of electrolysis but because of the possibility of easy handling and storage of the resulting gas, which would solve some of the problems that afflict H2 storage and transport at present. Brown has been running automobile engines on this gas, apparently without difficulties. His electrolysing units produce between 12 and 13.5 cubic feet of gas per kwh of electricity. The units are currently being produced in China and are commercially available.
A good and quite complete description of Brown's discovery is contained in a 2-piece series of articles entitled "Fire from water", published in a magazine called raum&zei.
Stan Meyer of Grove City, Ohio, has developed a hydrogen fracturing technologybased on subjecting fine water mist to the effects of high frequency pulsed high voltage fields, inside a spherical resonance chamber.
Efficiency apparently is higher than conventional electrolysis. Meyer says that hydrogen for use as a fuel can be produced on demand, using his technology. He is miniaturising components and developing dedicated electronic chips to control the process. There were 30 patents granted to Meyer up until 1993 in connection with his ‘Water fuel cell technology’. The hydrogen production unit has apparently been installed on a dune-buggy and been demonstrated .

According to the a New York Times Special of 20 April 1979, Sam Leslie Leach, a professional inventor with several basic patents in the field of optics, has obtained two patents for an invention that he says accomplishes the economic separation of hydrogen and oxygen gases from water.
The process, as described in the article, subjects water vapor injected into a reaction chamber to ultraviolet radiation of a specific wavelength, which ionises the hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Apparently, the radiation is re-emitted by the atomic gases and so upholds the separation process in a self-sustaining way, as long as more water vapor is supplied.

Gianni Dotto is an italo/american electrical engineer and inventor who has described a way of separating distilled water into hydrogen and oxygen, releasing the oxygen and capturing the hydrogen for use in an internal combustion engine (motor car) or just for heating purposes. Here is how he describes his method:
With a Diesel injection pump, bring distilled water up to 240 bar of pressure, feeding it into a one meter long 1/4 “ stainless steel tube connected to a very strong expansion valve such as those used for air conditioning or house gas supply. This is enough to convert the water into a very thin moisture vapor.
From the first expansion valve, using a four meters long 1/4 " stainless steel tube that must be maintained at a temperature of at least 90°C, connect to a second Diesel injection pump, followed by a second expansion valve, working at 120 bar. The outgoing tube would carry a hydrogen/oxygen gas mixture.
At the end of a five meter 3/16 " stainless steel tube, connect a very strong Al nickel permanent magnet with one 1/4 " hole intake but several outlet holes arranged in a star configuration, with a total of at least 6 outlet holes, each with a diameter of 3/32 " alternately having a strong positive and negative magnetisation.
Oxygen gas would come out of the negatively magnetised holes, to be liberated into the atmosphere, while the hydrogen gas coming out of the positively magnetised holes should be collected in a conventional methane tank to be used for running the internal combustion engine. The methane type tank would be used to store hydrogen produced over the engine's need, and as a backup for cold starting purposes.

Blue is from New Zealand and 
obtained a patent on a very simple electrolyser that he claims will supply a sufficient amount of an oxygen/hydrogen/air mix to run an internal combustion engine.
A description of his invention is given below:
Almost all drivers have made the experience that the motor runs better when it rains. This is also a reason why our parents sprayed coal with water to make it burn better. Therefore it is no wonder that for years some drivers have used a kind of water spray injector, which is very simple. It is a container of plastic or glass, which can be closed airtight. A thin pipe with an aquarium valve leads through the top cover down close to the bottom of the container. A second pipe enters only about 5 cm into the container from the top cover and is connected with the carburettor or the air filter. The container is filled with water to just below the level of the second pipe. The suction of the carburettor pulls air through the water in the container and so adds hydrogen and oxygen to the gas mixture, which results in a lowered consumption of gasoline.
This simple mechanism was improved by the New Zealand inventor Archie Blue with some additions so that the water vapor alone can run an internal combustion engine, without gasoline. It runs about 40 km with 1 liter of water.
On the non-metallic air pipe that enters the container, are mounted at equidistant intervals eight corrosion free round metallic plates, which have been perforated with numerous holes. They are electrified alternately with positive and negative DC voltage from the car battery (12 Volt, 2-3 Amp).
The resulting electrolysis separates the water into oxygen and hydrogen which attach to the metal plates in small bubbles. The air bubbles forced through the water by the suction of the carburettor take those small bubbles of hydrogen and oxygen with them to the top of the container. The energy thus obtained is three times that of gasoline per weight. No poisonous exhaust gases are produced because the end product of combustion is water vapor.
The air needs only 4 % of enrichment with these gases to burn hotter and faster than natural gas.Warm water is easier to electrolyse and therefore a heating element is mounted in the bottom of the container.
Hydrogen produced by using simple electrolysis process is not sufficient to run the engine. To resolve this problem Brown invented a special electrolysis technique in Brown Gas Generator.
The plentiful benefits of an HHO generator for your vehicle :
1. Gas Efficiency — HHO is known to be at least 3 times more potent than gasoline , supplementing it and improving its combustion. thus producing more power output. HHO or Brown’s gas generator can improve your gas efficiency dramatically, boosting its mileage at least twice. In other words, it allows you to cut your gas bills as much as 50% and even more. So would you think about saving on your monthly gas bills?
2. Small investment goes a long way—–For a small amount of money you pay for the generator kit, you get all your money’s worth in the long run. As an HHO generator for your car works only on water and very little electricity from the car’s battery, its initial price is the only investment that goes into it. These costs will be paid off in no time. And when it works well for you, it would also help you generate income when you introduce it to other vehicle owners who also want to save costs on gasoline too.
3. Installation is as easy as ABC.—–You need not make any modifications to your car to have a hydrogen-producing system installed. You can create a hydrogen generator based on a few simple steps that you can follow from the guidelines in the kit. Materials needed are easily available at the local hardware shop. The conversion would take only a couple of hours to complete. You do not risk your warranty, and the generator can be removed easily should the need arise.
4. Perfectly safe for you and your passengers—– HHO generator system is absolutely safe. In fact, it is much safer to use than your conventional fuel tank. In fact Water 4gas is not a new invention. Little electricity is used out of your vehicle battery to separate the water into a gas called HHO or called Brown gas. It burns well and provides great amount of energy or safe power for your vehicle.
5. No harmful chemicals emitted from this system—- With Brown’s gas burning carbon, your vehicle’s emissions become much cleaner and less harmful for the environment. The Brown’s gas produced turns right back into water. The engine takes less gasoline and burns more completely so the overall effect is a great reduction in harmful emissions. Definitely this is one of the great benefits of an HHO generator for your car.
6. Reduce engine temperature—- The engine of your car enjoys a lower temperature and so protects the environment from global warming while you drive too. It keeps your vehicle cooler and quieter. Don’t you think it will promote a longer lifespan for your car in the long run?
7. Better performance and less trips to the mechanic’s shop for repairs—-
Vehicle owners who use Water4gas have testified that with a hydrogen generator vehicle, they experience a smoother drive and gearshifts and a better performance
8. Reduces air pollution and decreases noise pollution too—-With improved efficiency, your vehicle will have less emissions that pollute the air. The steam produced inside the engine itself self cleans it everyday, making driving a lot more smoother. Of course, the smoother running of the engine will make the drive quieter n thus noise pollution is reduced.
In this generator, electrolysis is done in parallel plate electrolyzer.Temperature , Pressure and process are controlled by the control unit.Oxygen and hydrogen produced by electrolysis are mixed with water. A milky white solution comes out at the end of electrolysis.This solution goes into separator unit which separates Brown Gas from Water.Water from seperator unit is recycled back to electrolysis device to re use.Brown gas escaped from the seperator enters into engine through intake manifold.Fuel injection is not disturbed so that it can be used whenever vehicle has to run on.
Thus one can run vehicle on water as well as on petroleum as per requirement.
This Brown Gas is suitable and sufficient to run the engine
"There is no other method capable of producing such a gas. Browns Gas is a new product and there is no literature describing its properties which are sufficiently different from a combined molecular hydrogen and oxygen gas mixture, in 2:1 proportion, to be significant in industrial and commercial applications." Brown, 1979
How Does HHO Gas Work :
In chemistry terms , HHO Gas is simply free floating Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms. The baking soda acts as a catalyst inside the HHO generator and helps to break apart the Water Molecule. This Gas is then free to mix with your gasoline.
The way an engine normally works is you have little metal plugs called pistons moving rapidly up and down at (hopefully) a constant rate, this generates the power for the car.
When a piston lowers it creates a small vacuum which sucks in fuel and oxygen (Intake). When it rises it compresses the fuel (Compression) and the spark plug ignites it (Power).
An engine will ideally only fire the piston when it has completely reached the top of its tube, however, most engines fire early and don't burn the fuel completely. This creates inefficiency, reduces your Gas mileage and creates pollution. (Exhaust)
If your car was 100% efficient you would have 0 emissions.
When the HHO Gas mixes with your gasoline it increases the Octane rating and the amount of compression required before the Gas ignites. The piston must then compress the fuel completely before it ignites, and the extra Hydrogen allows the fuel to burn more completely reducing the amount of waste (emissions). This also adds a bit more power to the engine, which increases its efficiency and improves your Miles per Gallon.
One KWh of electricity produces approximately 340 liters of gas. Virtually any amount of Brown's Gas can be produced in any volume through cells in series , cells miniaturized ,or cells enlarged .
One unit of water yields 1,860 units of gas .The inverse applies as well .Upon ignition,Brown's Gas implodes. When implosion of the gas mixture occurs ,the result is a 1,859 unit vacuum with one unit of water .
Instant Hydrogen Gas :
The first process shown to us by Rothman Technologies uses water, salt, and an extremely inexpensive metal alloy. The gas that results from this process is pure hydrogen, a fuel that burns without the need for external oxygen — and gives off no pollution whatsoever.

The primary owner of Rothman Technologies is a man who holds about fifty Patents Pending on a variety of mechanical devices, chemical compounds, novelties, and fuels. But it is his invention for using a metal alloy to break down the water molecule that is of interest to us here.

A company was running a 12-horsepower, gasoline-powered electrical generator using water as "fuel." The generator was a gasoline combustion engine exactly like the one in your car.
They admitted that the system was crude and would have to be improved. Nonetheless, they could and actually did show us a gasoline engine running on water.
This engine was mounted on a lab bench in a garage area, with the door open for ventilation.
On the floor were thirteen half-gallon containers linked together with tubes, all connected to a central, larger tube that ran directly to the carburetor of the motor.
In the containers was ordinary water plus an electrolyte (i.e., some type of salt).

When a piece of metal alloy was dropped into the electrolyte mixture, hydrogen instantly began to form at an amazing rate. The hydrogen gas traveled to a main tube, and from there straight to the carburetor.

A company representative pulled a rope to start the motor, and after a couple of tries, the motor caught and continued running. We watched the motor run for twenty minutes or so (it was really cold, with the doors open in the Toronto January winter, so we decided that twenty minutes was enough "proof of concept"). This engine, using water and salt as the primary fuel, and metal alloy as a catalyst, was definitely running!

According to the company's representative, this metal alloy is so inexpensive that an engine can run for four hours on a piece that would cost about half a cent (Canadian).

It is also noteworthy that, according to the man we spoke with, seawater could be used directly as the primary fuel, thus eliminating the need for added salt.
Advantages of Brown’s Gas :
1. Cut down on fuel cost: The technology behind HHO or Brown’s gas is water is used to supplement your fossil fuel usage. Because of this, you can boost more mileage per gallon with lesser fuel use. With the constant surge of gasoline prices today, you can certainly save a lot of money by supplementing with HHO gas.
2. Cost to convert my car: It only takes a minimum amount to get your car started with HHO gas. Comparing it with a hybrid car where you might invest somewhere within $15,000, a HHO kit is certainly much affordable. The return of invest according to manufactures is 57 days compared to 45 years with a hybrid installment.
3. Savings: According to a survey, assuming a car runs 10,000 miles a year at 28 mpg and fuel costs at $9 per gallon that would cost you $3,214 a year on gasoline. According to them, the use of HHO kit which will give 50% increase in mpg would save you $1,071 a year. In my opinion, even a 10% increase in mpg is good enough savings. It is money already in your pocket.
4. Reduce engine emission: Because your engine is using lesser fuel during combustion, lesser carbon dioxide is produced and emitted. Therefore engine emission is less making it more environment friendly.
5. Reversible: You can choose to remove the HHO kit anytime you see fit. This means you are never stuck with this product and your car remains to have choices.

Scientists often use Nature as a model for the development of new compounds. One such development, which has been studied extensively is this engine run by water. Water is extremely safe. Any hydrogen that is created is used so quickly that is presents no danger at all! You've probably heard of the dangers associated with hydrogen fuel cell vehicles because they store large amounts of hydrogen gas in them. This method is used to prevent the pollution and increase the mileage of the vehicle and decreases the fuel consumption. So it is very economic and save the fuel for future generation. Many researches are going under this topic in many countries. We presented the basic and overview of that only.

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